
Shelter and Pet Shop Grooming Contributes to Pet Adoption Rates

There’s a saying that goes “don’t judge a book by its cover,” but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take care of the book and put in the extra effort to maintain its cover. For dogs, grooming carries more importance than most people realize. It can be easy to think that something like grooming is a […]

All You Need to Know About Grooming Certification

A lot of people seem to be confused about how to earn grooming certification. When groomers say that they have been “certified by [the name of their grooming school],” this does not mean that they have board certification. In fact, most grooming schools don’t have the power to certify professional pet groomers; instead, groomers in […]

Dealing with Troubled Fur at Pet Grooming Schools

If you are considering enrolling in the programs that pet grooming schools have to offer, you will have to gain knowledge on how to deal with troubled fur. Many longer haired dogs will develop difficult areas of matted fur that will be more demanding of grooming needs. These trouble areas need to be addressed in […]

Addressing Myths about Cat and Dog Grooming

There are many pets in our country, and each of these pets has owners with their own opinions. Many of these opinions regard the care and grooming of their pets, which may differ from person to person. Throughout the industry, pet groomers come into contact with many pet owners who have beliefs of various cat […]

Double Coat Dos and Don’ts

Many dog breeds sport a double coat, but even the most well-studied dog owners might not know how to properly take care of it. A dog’s double coat consists of both a soft undercoat and a long, thick outer coat, each of which performs different functions to protect the dog from the elements. With this […]

How to be Invaluable to the Florida Pet Grooming Industry

To be of high importance to the Florida pet grooming industry, you have to know the ins and outs of pet grooming. If you look at pet grooming as just a job, it will be just that for you. But, if you see pet grooming as a chance to blossom into a successful career, you […]

Qualification Requirements for Florida’s #1 Pet Grooming School

If you wish to attend the nation’s only pet grooming school that is accredited and provides students with financial aid to help pay for tuition, some requirements must be met. Meeting these requirements provides Merryfield school of pet grooming the proper information needed to review potential financial aid and other determining factors of enrollment. Initial […]

Things to Remember as a Certified Pet Groomer

Today, professional pet grooming is such a popular and rapidly growing industry.  It is not only a rewarding experience but also a steady source of income since pet grooming is always in demand— not just in the U.S., but around the world. Any animal lover has the potential to become a certified pet groomer with […]

What to Do When Grooming a Puppy for the First Time

The Importance of Grooming a Puppy Grooming a puppy does more than making it look cute. Good grooming means good health, but something for every groomer to remember is that different types of dogs each have different grooming needs. There is not one single way for a professional pet groomer to groom a dog, and […]

Why It’s Important to Know Different Types of Dog Breeds

One of the most important aspects of being a successful dog groomer is maintaining professional standards at all times. Clients trust their beloved pets to groomers, so they need to be sure that the person in charge of grooming and caring for their pet is knowledgeable and capable of the task at hand. The groomer […]

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