
If you are considering enrolling in the programs that pet grooming schools have to offer, you will have to gain knowledge on how to deal with troubled fur. Many longer haired dogs will develop difficult areas of matted fur that will be more demanding of grooming needs. These trouble areas need to be addressed in a way that will not harm the animal and also blend in with the rest of the haircut. Pet grooming schools like Merryfield can teach you how to handle these rough areas in a way that pleases the customer and the furry friend, giving you the professional groomer skills you will need to become successful.

Kinds of Troubled Fur to Identify

Matts developed from under brushing: Many dogs will need grooming that has not been thoroughly brushed in between groomings as often as they need. These dogs can have matted clumps of fur that can be worked out with grooming tools like brushes and products. Moisture and dirt work together to produce these troubled fur areas, and a more routine brushing schedule can prevent them.

Matts developed by rubbing: Some dogs develop troubled fur areas that are caused by something rubbing against the fur. They are usually found on areas of the body that come in contact with other areas, like under the arms. In some cases, these matted areas come from outside sources rubbing on the fur like the ground, a collar, or animal clothing.

Matts developed from pressing: Many dogs develop troubled areas of fur from sitting or lying on the ground. Because of this, these clumps of matted fur are usually located behind the legs or on the stomach. Many areas of troubled fur develop because of the amount of shedding a dog does. If the shedding is not removed, it will stay in the fur and soak up moisture and collect dirt, ultimately producing matted areas of fur.

Matts developed by abandonment: These are usually the worst types of areas of matted fur seen on dogs that need grooming. They are developed from neglect, usually long-term and extremely difficult to remove. These overgrown troubled areas can contain fleas and hinder air from getting to the skin, raising the risk of skin and health problems.

Identify Troubled Fur Right Away

Make sure you identify troubled areas on a pet before the customer leaves it in your care. You should run your fingers through the fur, especially around generally troubled areas, to determine whether the animal will have any trouble areas during the grooming process. If you identify any matted fur, bring attention to it upon inspection so that the customer understands what the grooming will take. Additionally, you can provide them with information on how to prevent this troubled fur before their next visit. Let them know what routine brushing and fur maintenance should entail. Also, make them aware of the dangers and health complications that troubled fur can have on their pets.

Learning more in Pet Grooming Schools

If you wish to learn more about how to remove matted fur or how to become a professional pet groomer, attending pet grooming schools may be the next step in your journey to becoming a pet groomer. If you would like to learn about how to receive financial support for tuition, call Merryfield Academy at (954) 771-4030 today.

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